Thursday, March 6, 2025

Using Affirmations - A Review

affirmation banner
When I first started using affirmations, I was a novice. I had worked through a book and came up with ten affirmations that I would write down, and then read and recite daily.

I was floored when I noticed that some of them were coming true. I continued on a bit more, and became flabbergasted. I really started watching what I was saying; so much so, that I became very quiet. I didn't want to let words slip out that were not affirmative of what I wanted and or liked.

But then I also began to miss having conversations. I didn't know how to be discerning of what I watched on TV or listened to as background noise, etc.

Having been raised as a Christian, I also began to wonder if this what was God wanted me to do. I wrote about that in another blog, and will share a link to that at the bottom of this post.

My main point of writing about using affirmations, is that I have found and also developed some tips and tricks that have helped me out in my continuing journey.

As much as possible, I try to notice more of what I do like.

As much as possible, I try to see the good. If that didn't seem to be working, I would leave a certain situation, and continue to work on me.

If it is a situation I want to stay in and make the best of, I have tried to state more of what it is I want, and only sticking to that. Sometimes I might rephrase something in a more positive way. I have found that to be helpful.

When it comes to reading, I take the time to transform the word I, used by others to refer to themselves, to they, he, she, etc. I have become more conscientious of when I use the word I, so I don't want to take on that word when I am reading in regards to someone else's I. So yes, I book has to really sound good for me to want to read it. Or, if the writer is coming from a place that I would like to be, then I can be okay with reading their I as also my I. Hope that makes sense.

When it comes to singing, I have found that singing words, has actually created more energy for those words as I sing them. So when my favorite tunes come on and I want to sing, I either replace the words with more positive words that I can align to, or just think my replacement words in my head, or just repeat a string of syllables to go along with the tune. Like lots of la la la, do rah do, etc.

Yes, these are all things that I have done to help me in my journey of using affirmations, without having to resort to a very quiet life. I don't like the idea of becoming a monk or be monk like. Did you notice what I just did, I used the word like with a derivative of not. I read about someone else doing that, to get out of the habit of using less positive descriptions.

I have also done quiet self talk. Early on in my affirmation journey, when I was out in a restaurant and the person across from me had said something I didn't like and I wanted things to go better, I cupped my hand up over my mouth and would quietly say the affirmation that I was trying to foster. I knew that what they were saying was triggering my old beliefs, so it was nothing I had to try and get them to change in that moment. This was my own personal way of working on me. I learned later that I could also say to myself, I dissolve this energy, and would mentally just think it to the area that I was feeling it in my body.

Another thing I have decided to do, is when I am with others who may not be talking very affirmatively, I have asked them, "What is it that you do want to happen?" Sometimes I have responded with what I may like to have happen, to give them an idea of what I mean. Sometimes, this has proven helpful.

I have found that I like various ways of doing affirmations. Sometimes I just like to chill and listen to them as background. Other times I follow along and repeat what I am listening to. If there is enough time, I repeat each one out loud and then again silently to myself.

I also like saying affirmations while doing physical activity. An example is saying that "I am strong," while exercising. I can find that quite invigorating. Physical activity can also be beneficial by itself.

You may not equate massage with affirmations, however our bodies can store energy of our beliefs. Massage from another or even one's self can help to release that stored energy through massage. It doesn't have to be a whole body massage, it can be as simple as massaging one's hands or feet. When I do that, sometimes I feel like I just need to take a deeper breath and let it go. I find it very helpful. Physical exercise can also loosen up stored energy.

Those are some of the things that I have done to improve my self well-being. I am glad that I pursued this journey of affirmations. I hope that you have found some help here, either with new tools that you may find helpful, and also that if you are going through anything similar, that you know you are with others who are on a path of transformation as well.

If you would like to read more about my transitioning went as far as me wondering what God wanted to me do, you can check that out here. It's my blog on Proverbs as Affirmations.

If you'd like some books that foster a more affirmative life, check these out. They are on Amazon.

Proverbs as Affirmations: An Affirmation Journal for Self Transformation This is especially good for those who want to experience the lessons in Proverbs said in a kind manner.

Positive Affirmation Coloring Book Coloring while focusing on an affirmation can be a relaxing and calm way to incorporate affirmations.

Proverbs as Affirmations Coloring Book: Words to Live By

May you have a great and blessed day.

Do you have an affirmation tip to share? Please do.

Cheryl Paton

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

There Are Days Just Meant For Fun! A Holiday Review

 As Mid-March arrives, if anyone asks what your favorite color is, the answer better be GREEN!

Why?  Well everyone knows that on the 17th of March, the whole world seems to be Irish!  St. Patrick's Day is the one day of the year where GREEN is the mandatory color in everyone's attire or their accessories!

It doesn't matter if its Kelly Green, pale Green, Bold Emerald Green or any combination, the most important part is that it belongs to the family of Green! 

Now let's get down to a bit of history!  St. Patrick became the Patron Saint of the Green Isle when he was sent to proclaim Christ to the people in the 5th century.  Yes you read that right, he is a very old Patron Saint. He was born in Britain and at the age of 16 was taken from his village and placed into slavery in Ireland.  Yes, the times he lived in were barbarous and slavery was not uncommon. He did manage to escape, but felt a calling to return to Ireland. 

He was a very spiritual man, who during his travels around Ireland, baptized many people into the Catholic Christian Church.  He was very careful to keep the peace with all the chieftains in the region so that he was welcomed by all.  He gave gifts and took none in return.  Many legends surround St. Patrick, the most popular is the Shamrock which helped Patrick explain the concept of the Holy Trinity.
St. Patrick is also credited with getting all the snakes, demons and practitioners of magic to leave Ireland.  These "miracles" cannot be authenticated, but many still believe them.

But let's get to the fun part, current day celebrations of St. Patrick's Day are attributed to the European immigrants in the 18th century.  Boston celebrated the first St. Patrick's Day parade in 1737.  The large Irish population enjoyed the celebrations so much that many new ways to celebrate the day came about.  The color GREEN not only celebrates St. Patrick, but rather is a way to celebrate the country of Ireland.  

Today we see everyone as Irish on March 17th and many people enjoy adding to the mirth and merriment of the day by adding something GREEN  to their clothing.  People will enjoy Irish foods and even color their beer for the day. 

Now I've given you fair warning that this holiday is coming up shortly and to that end have furnished you with a page from where you can find anything your little heart could desire to make this St. Patty's Day fun for you and your family.

Just imagine a day without any strife and everyone wishing everyone else a Happy St. Patty's Day!  A little fun goes a long way. 

Here's an Irish Blessing Just for You!

May love and laughter

light your days

and warm your heart and home,

may good and faithful friends be yours 

wherever you may roam,

May peace and plenty bless your world 

with joy that long endures,

May all life's 

passing seasons 

bring the best

to you and yours!  


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Air Fryer Lightly Breaded Haddock Fillets

 These air fryer haddock fish fillets are crispy on the outside with flaky, tender fish on the inside. Here is proof that you don't need your oven to make a delicious healthy meal.

Air fryer lightly breaded haddock fillets
Air Fryer fish fillets - Reviewed

A couple of weeks ago the bottom element in our oven blew out leaving us with no oven. Fran picked up these haddock fish fillets at our local grocery store. They were already lightly breaded and ready for the oven.

Since we didn't have a working oven and didn't want to fry the fish on our stovetop, we decided to use our air fryer and cook the potatoes in our microwave. The Fish came out so crispy and tender that we have since made these again.

Since then, I have replaced the bottom bake element on our oven, so it is in working order again. However, I don't think I'll ever use the oven to bake fish again.

If your local grocery store doesn't have breaded fish fillets ready to cook, the following is a recipe for lightly breaded fish and our method of air frying.


  • 2 haddock fillets fresh or thawed, or your favorite fish fillets
  • 1/2 cup breadcrumbs (use panko for extra crispness)
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil or cooking spray
  • Lemon wedges
  • Tarter sauce or your favorite for dipping
  1. In a shallow bowl, mix breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, paprika, salt, and black pepper.
  2. Dip the fish fillets in the beaten egg mixture. Then dredge the fillets in the breadcrumb mixture, pressing lightly to make sure you coat the fillets.
  3. Lightly spray the air fry basket with cooking spray.
  4. Preheat the air fryer to 325 degrees. Place the fillets side by side, not touching each other. Air Fry for 12 to 15 minutes, turning them halfway through.

Air Fryer Haddock Fillets

Our haddock fillets in the air fry basket, We added a lemon slice while they were cooking for some added flavor.

The air fryer is an excellent tool for achieving a crispy texture with minimal oil. In fact, all we did was spray the air fry basket with cooking spray. Air frying reduces fat and calories while still delivering a satisfying crunch. It's also known that an air fryer uses less energy than an oven.

We have a combination Ninja Foodi Grill and Air Fryer and just love it. You can find a large selection of Air Fryers on Amazon.

Ninja Foodi 4qt 5-in-1 Indoor Grill and Air Fryer - AG301Ninja Foodi 4qt 5-in-1 Indoor Grill and Air Fryer - AG301Check the Price


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, March 3, 2025

Book Review: Edge of Collapse: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller by Kyla Stone

The Edge of Collapse series is a binge-worthy, 7 book set in the post-apocalyptic genre. After the attack on the US, knocking out the power grid, communications, planes, vehicles, and most everything that is modernized, the big picture focus for everyone is to shake off the confusion and try to survive. Edge of Collapse Book One narrows in on a much more personal level. This national crisis presents Hannah a slim opportunity to escape her captor years after her abduction. Hannah's broken, pregnant body is no match for the sociopathic predator but her need to return to her son is strong. This moment is her only chance to return home.

Photo of the book cover and text

Hannah is a devoted mother to a beautiful 3 year old son and was living a good life in a small Southwest Michigan town. She loved her husband, Noah, but they had been having some minor bumpy spots in their marriage. Then Hannah suddenly disappears.  Of course, everyone had their theories. Maybe her husband murdered her. Maybe she just ran away. Perhaps she was dead. People who knew her well knew that she would have never left her child. Regardless, the years passed without her return.

Now. Maimed and nearing the end of her pregnancy, the locked door of her basement prison unlatches. Hannah has tried to mark the days, months, and years in chalk marks on the wall but she is not sure of what month it is. She is sure that it is winter and brutally cold outside. Trying to push past her physical difficulties, paranoia, and panic attacks she intends to leave. Doing so means entering the forested area during a snowstorm with no idea where she is and how to get back home.

Edge of Collapse series Book One by Kyla Stone on Amazon

Gavin Pike is a hunter. A hunter of humans. Shortly after he put her in the basement, and during the time she was still trying to actively defend herself, he brought a photo to her on his next visit. A photo of her son and her husband in his Fall Creek patrolman uniform, standing in front of their home. This monster knew where her family lived. And knew her husband enough to obtain a current photo. With that unspoken threat, Gavin Pike had effectively ended her desire to physically fight back. A county correctional officer, Gavin wore a uniform and carried a badge that he often used to obtain things, power, and women. 

Liam is a sullen, loner Veteran who lives in an isolated cabin in the forests of Michigan. He had been visiting his twin brother and pregnant sister-in-law when the attack occurred.  With cars crashing and planes falling from the sky, Lincoln and Jessa die. Liam's sole focus is to return to his cabin as soon as possible.  During his trek toward home, in a remote wooded area, he encounters a pregnant women who hysterically screams at him to stay away from her. Liam is initially relieved to obey her and continue on his journey alone.  

But Liam is a good guy despite his stoney exterior. And he returns to retrieve her. Which places him directly in a predators sights. A predator who views killing others as a game which he always wins.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention the dog. The monster, Gavin Pike, keeps a large guard dog chained up at the cabin. Presumably to keep Hannah from being discovered in the rare event someone would come to the remote cabin. Terrified of being bitten, but empathetic, Hannah releases the huge Great Pyrenees from it's own prison. And, as guardian dogs do, this dog decides to actively protects his family. 

Author Kyla Stone paints a vivid picture of the conditions and the risk. The chapters are written in the voice of each individual character, telling their own version of the events. She does this beautifully.  Other reviewers use phrases such as "unputdownable", "intense", and "nonstop action". These phrases are often over-used in book reviews but in this case, the praise fits.  I have difficulties feeling as though I adequately describe the really good writing of others. If you are at all curious, I hope you will consider reading the reviews others have written about Edge of Collapse: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller, Book One. If this isn't your usual genre, don't be put off. This story was more Silence of the Lambs with Buffalo Bill than a doomsday prepper's guide to beans, band-aids, and bullets. 

One final thought, fans of the Reacher series on Amazon and of the author will enjoy these characters; flawed good guys fighting against bad guys. If you aren't familiar with Reacher, you might want to take a peek at my Reviewing Reacher The Book and the Amazon Series  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Gracie's Edge of Knowing - A Flash Fiction Story

Gracie's Edge of Knowing - A Flash Fiction Story

My Flash Fiction Short Story

This story is about Gracie, an 82-year-old woman who reflects on the choices that shaped her life, wondering if she unknowingly chose hardship over ease or if each struggle was a lesson meant to expand her soul.

Gracie's Edge of Knowing

Gracie rocked gently on the front porch, the creak of the wooden boards beneath her chair keeping time with the rhythmic chirp of the crickets. The air was thick with the scent of earth and wildflowers, the sun dipping below the trees in a lazy surrender to dusk. 

She watched the world settle, the sky shifting from gold to deep violet, the colors blending like the years of her life—some vibrant, some shadowed, all layered upon each other.

Eighty-two years had come and gone, each one filled with choices—some deliberate, some made in haste, some dictated by circumstance. They all brought her to this porch, in this moment of reflection.

She had never been unhappy, not truly. Even when life was at its hardest, when the money ran thin, when loss hollowed her out, when the weight of responsibility pressed upon her shoulders—there had always been a quiet joy inside her. A knowing. An acceptance. 

But tonight, as the twilight deepened, a familiar question lingered on the edges of her thoughts, like the echo of a song she could never quite forget: Had she chosen wisely, or had she simply chosen difficulty? Had she spent her years intentionally growing or foolishly suffering?

You see, Gracie had never been one to take the easy road. Even as a girl, she felt drawn to the winding paths that made her think, feel, struggle, and stretch. 

Some had said she married young, too young. But she and Jack had built a life together, one of hard work, sacrifice, and victories that only they could fully understand. 

Jack had been gone for five years now, but his echo still lived in the walls of their home—a presence that whispered through every corner and crevice, like the wind moving through the trees.

Their children had grown, as children do, into lives of their own—busy lives, full of their own choices. She was never upset when they couldn't visit. She knew how it was; she had once been them, caught in the whirlwind of a young, on-the-go life. 

And she was not lonely. Loneliness was an emptiness, and she was not empty. She was simply wondering.

Had she wasted this trip to earth?

Her hands, wrinkled and wise, rested in her lap as she reflected upon her life. 

She had lived at the edge of outer peace, always on the periphery of the easy life. But inner peace? That she had. A deep well of it, a knowing that everything—every heartbreak, every struggle, every joy—had led her to an understanding that could not have come any other way. 

She had not walked the simplest path, but perhaps she had walked the one that mattered most for her needed life lessons.

Maybe that was the point of it all: To arrive at the end with a soul that had stretched and softened, that had learned love beyond self, that had carried burdens only to lay them down with grace. To have gathered wisdom not from ease but from experience.

She exhaled, long and slow, as if releasing the weight of the question into the evening air. The answer was not hers to fully grasp, not yet.

Perhaps she wouldn't understand until she left this place, until the universe whispered the truth into her soul as she crossed into whatever came next. And that was fine. She could wait.

For now, she lived with love in her heart, and that was enough. The night deepened, the stars blinking awake one by one, and Gracie rocked on, peaceful in the not knowing.


I hope you've enjoyed my attempt at flash fiction 🕮

If you're into a longer story, I've penned this short story, The Gift of Knowing (can you sense a theme here?).


50 Years of Poetry - We Will Have Morning Smiles, Available on Amazon (A lifetime of my personal poetry).

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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Identity Unknown by Patricia Cornwell

Book Review of Book 28 of 28 in the Kay Scarpetta series.

Book Image of Identity Unknown by Patricia Cornwell

Patricia Cornwell sold her first novel, Postmortem, in 1990 while working at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Richmond, Virginia. 

During that same time period, I was working for a Medical Examiner in Mid-Missouri and found the whole subject of the work of medical examiners fascinating and interesting. Thus, Postmortem appealed to me. After reading it, I immediately became a fan of author Patricia Cornwell. As a matter of fact, during that time my boss attended a medical examiner meeting on the East Coast and actually met Patricia Cornwell. 

Cornwell has written several series, but her most well-known one is that featuring Kay Scarpetta, a Medical Examiner in Virginia, as the main character. This is my review of her latest book in the series, Book #28 ~ Identity Unknown

Synopsis of Identity Unknown

The plot begins as Dr. Kay Scarpetta is summoned to an abandoned theme park to retrieve a body. She is devastated to learn that the victim is a dear friend; well-known astrophysicist, Sal Giordano. 

The  murder scene is very strange. The body appears to be atypically red and is found lying within a crop circle of petals. Examination of his fatal injuries indicate that he was dropped from a great height from an unidentified flying craft. 

The subsequent autopsy and investigation reveals suspicions that include an otherworldly force or perhaps something Giordano himself was involved in. 

Kay Scarpetta, along with her niece and her husband (both who work for the Secret Service) search out an explanation closer to home, which is possibly far more evil. 


Outstanding storytelling, with characters who feel like family after twenty-eight books in the series, Identity Unknown is an excellent addition to the Kay Scarpetta Series. I highly recommend it to fans of the series and of author Patricia Cornwell.

Related Review:

For more Book Reviews, Check Out

*Book Review of Identity Unknown written by Wednesday Elf


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Friday, February 28, 2025

Invitation to a Murder (2023) Movie Review

Invitation to a Murder
My husband and I are constantly searching for a movie we can watch together and both enjoy.  When we happened upon "Invitation to a Murder" (released as "An Invitation to Murder" in the UK), we immediately settled in for a great new whodunit movie that is similar to our beloved Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes series.  It is based on a story written by Gérard Miller and the screenplay was written by Brian O'Donnell.  

The 1930's London setting is reminiscent of a Poirot story.  A gathering of strangers in a remote mansion where one is killed and another is the killer also seems familiar.

The amateur sleuth in the movie, Miranda Green, is not as renowned as Poirot or Sherlock.  Even though she does not possess their same level of experience or well-developed abilities, she still exhibits keen observation skills and her deductive reasoning is rather impressive. 

The similarities are obvious, but the plot of "Invitation to a Murder" is quite unique with it's own surprises.  The murder victim is as astonishing as the killer's identity.

With the promise of two more movies to be released in 2025, this new amateur sleuth seems set to become another admired detective in a great movie series that will be compelling to follow. 


Invitation to a Murder Synopsis

 Invitation To A Murder -
Available on DVD, Blu-ray or Rental on Amazon Prime
Check Price

When Miranda Green receives an invitation to Abbott Island for an audience with Mr. Lewis Findley for the weekend, she doesn't quite know what to expect, but she is quite intrigued.  After doing a bit of research on Lewis Findley, she can't resist the "adventure" or the mystery behind the invitation.  Using the ticket she received with the invitation, she boards the train and quickly discovers she is not the only invited guest.  There are 5 other invitees from widely varying backgrounds.  It would seem, none have ever met Mr. Findley.  Miranda immediately starts sharing her observations and trying to figure out what she believes are obvious inconsistencies.  As they say, the plot thickens!

After taking the ferry to the island, the guests arrive at Findley's mansion where they are greeted by a few servants, but not Lewis Findley.  The guests are informed that Mr. Findley has been delayed due to weather.  They are escorted to their rooms and given instructions to meet again for cocktails in the lounge once they have settled in.

 If You are An Amazon Prime Member, Click Here to View the Movie for FreeOver cocktails, they discover more details about each other by playing a game to guess which 2 facts about each guest are true, and which fact is a lie.  Miranda shares how she can quickly deduce which fact is a lie by using her observations.

Between cocktails and dinner, several of the guests explore the mansion.  Miranda explores a bit too much and is intercepted and redirected by one of the servants.  This only serves to make her even more curious about what secrets are hidden in the mansion and she continues her exploration.  She is, once again, intercepted, but this time by the butler who insists that she accompany him to the dining room for dinner.  

Strange things happen during the night.  Discoveries the following morning, along with the announcement that Mr. Findley will not be joining them on that day, only lead to more questions and suspicions.  When the unthinkable happens and someone is murdered, all of the guests and staff are suspects. 



Be Sure to Stay Tuned 

"Murder at the Embassy" and "The Mystery of the Golden Spear" are both scheduled for release in 2025.  Plus, they will both star Mischa Barton as Miranda Green. Having the same actress play the role will definitely establish Miranda Green as a soon to be renowned amateur sleuth. 


Where to Watch

As Amazon Prime Members, we watched "Invitation to a Murder" on Amazon for free (with ads).  It is also available for rental or purchase on Amazon.


Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Invitation to a Murder (2023) Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Book Review of Everything Bundt the Truth

Cover of Cozy Mystry

 If you enjoy cozy mysteries, good food and interesting people, this book is for you.  This book is the first of the series of dinner club murder mysteries.  In 2017 it won a first-place award in the suspense novel category.  In March, the author is having her dinner club mystery series re-released.

Book Summary

This book introduces us to Jane Marsh, a recent widow who really wants to recapture a full life.  One of her first ventures is to host and try to join an exclusive dinner club.

Before the first dinner club at her house, Jane discovers that her new housekeeper has been murdered in her laundry room. This leads us to discover that Jane has a suspicious mind and is very interested in trying to solve the murder.  Her past career as a paralegal at a Denver law firm gives her some experience in knowing how to follow the clues.  

In this sometimes humorous and fun cozy mystery we follow along as Jane works on all of the clues to determine the guilty party.  Will it be one of the housekeepers' ex-husbands, her drug addicted son, or perhaps it is one of the members of the dinner club?  Or could it be someone else entirely?  You will want to be sure to get this hard-to-put-down book to learn the answer.  You won't be disappointed.

Book on Amazon

You can find this book along with others by Karen C Whalen on Amazon at Everything Bundt the Truth

More Reviews of Cozy Mysteries by Karen Whalen

The author has also written two other mystery series, and I have written reviews on both of these series.  I know you will enjoy them.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Best, Most Attractive Sunscreen Makeup for Mature Skin

If you have followed my posts here on Review This Reviews or on social media, you know that I am a 70-year-old woman who became a serious skincare enthusiast at age 65. Using a great anti-aging skincare routine consistently has helped me turn back the clock and look much younger than my chronological age. It has also helped me combat those pesky age spots AKA sun spots AKA hyperpigmentation that are the late-blooming results of having spent too many years unprotected by sunscreen.

Today, I know that daily sunscreen application, regardless of the weather, is the most important step in my skincare routine. As a result, I have a few favorite sunscreens to choose from, depending on my mood and my activities for the day. In general, I prefer tinted mineral sunscreens and rarely feel the need to wear foundation.

For everyday wear, I tend to gravitate toward Undefined Beauty's R&R Sun Serum, which is a sheer, liquid, broad-spectrum sunscreen with a lovely serum texture and SPF 50 PA++++ sun protection, as well as skincare ingredients like Niacinamide. I use the Light/Neutral shade, which is nearly invisible on my skin after I rub it in and has zero white cast. Alternatively, I use DRMTLGY Universal Tinted Moisturizer SPF 46, a moisturizing tinted sunscreen with a mix of both chemical and physical sun filters and a choice of a dewy or matte finish (I prefer the dewy version), among a few other favorite sunscreens.

However, if I want to look a bit more polished and plan to wear a bit of makeup, I most often reach for my Toty Illumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+, which is a tinted mineral sunscreen and foundation hybrid that provides lightweight complexion coverage and a natural-looking satin finish. It costs a bit more than drugstore foundations with SPF, but provides much better sun protection and has additional anti-aging skincare benefits while giving a beautiful skin-like finish that is especially flattering to mature complexions.

IMPORTANT! When using most foundations with SPF, the amount of product you would need to apply to get the stated SPF protection would result in a very thick, cakey application, which is why most sunscreen foundations actually don't provide enough sun protection. They are also difficult to reapply during the day, which is important if you are going to be outdoors or by a sunny window.

FUN FACT: Toty is actress Sofia Vergara's skincare and sunscreen brand. The products are manufactured in Spain in a lab that is known for its extremely high quality skincare and sunscreen products.

The Best, Most Attractive Sunscreen Makeup for Mature Skin

Toty Ilumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ Review

The Toty Ilumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ is a next-generation complexion perfecter that combines makeup, skincare, and sun protection in one sleek compact. Designed for mature and sensitive skin, this luxurious CC compact delivers soft-focus, skin-blurring coverage with hydrating, anti-aging ingredients and powerful SPF 50+ defense.

Next-Generation Makeup: A Flawless, Second-Skin Finish

Unlike traditional CC creams or powder foundations, the Toty Ilumina CC Creamy Compact features tone-adapting pigments for a natural, velvety-satin finish that blends seamlessly into the skin.

  • Soft-focus, skin-blurring coverage minimizes pores and imperfections
  • Lightweight yet buildable for a fresh, natural look
  • Tone-adapting pigments ensure a seamless shade match
  • Available in 15 shades to suit a wide range of skin tones
  • Long-lasting wear that holds up throughout the day

Author wearing Toty Illumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ sunscreen makeup
When I want to look a bit more polished and put on a little makeup, I use Toty Illumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ to even out my complexion a bit while providing mineral sunscreen coverage

Find Your Perfect Shade Easily

With 15 tone-adapting shades, this CC compact makes it effortless to find your match. Note: Not all the shades are available on Amazon, so you may prefer to purchase your Toty Illumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ on the Toty website (affiliate link). Use Toty’s Shade Finder tool or upload a selfie on the Toty website to receive a personalized shade recommendation for the most natural, flawless finish.

Note: I find that this sunscreen is slightly darker and warmer than my complexion in the shade that was recommended for me, so although my complexion is light to light-medium and neutral, the shade 1C works best for me. Fortunately, since the compact is refillable, I was able to swap out my original shade for my newer shade just by purchasing a new refill.

Advanced SPF 50+ Protection: More Than Just Sunscreen

This 100% mineral SPF 50+ compact offers four levels of sun-aging defense:

  • Broad-Spectrum UVA/UVB Protection to prevent premature aging
  • Iron Oxides protect against Visible/Blue Light (from screens and indoor lighting)
  • Antioxidants (PLE FERNBOOST) defend against oxidative stress and free radical damage
  • Water & Sweat Resistant for 80 minutes, making it perfect for daily wear and reapplication

Unlike traditional sunscreens, this lightweight, non-greasy formula in a convenient compact allows for effortless on-the-go SPF re-application, helping you maintain youthful, healthy skin without disrupting your makeup.

Sun-Aging Defense Skincare: Nourish & Protect

This CC compact doesn’t just enhance your skin instantly—it actively improves skin health over time with powerful skincare ingredients:

  • PLE FERNBOOST (a proprietary antioxidant blend) fights sun-induced aging
  • Vitamin E provides deep hydration and shields against environmental damage
  • Squalane replenishes moisture, keeping skin soft, supple, and youthful

Bonus Benefits: Clean, Clinically Tested, and Skin-Friendly

  • Vegan & Cruelty-Free—no animal testing
  • Dermatologist-Tested & Clinically Proven
  • Non-Comedogenic—won’t clog pores or cause breakouts
  • Suitable for Sensitive Skin—free of common irritants like gluten, nickel, parabens, lanolin, talc, and preservatives

Open Toty Illumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ showing applicator sponge in lower compartment
Under the magnetic upper compartment that holds the mineral sunscreen foundation, there's a lower compartment with an applicator sponge, although I much prefer using the brush for a sheer application

Pro Application Tips & Recommended Add-Ons

Use as the last step of your skincare routine and the first step of your makeup routine. This compact keeps your makeup flawless and your SPF protection in action all day.

How to Apply for a Flawless, Protected Look:

  1. Warm up the product by swirling the applicator sponge or, preferably, the Toty Illumina Brush into the sunscreen foundation in the Illumina CC Creamy Compact.
  2. Apply evenly across the face using smooth strokes, blending into the skin for a seamless finish.
  3. Reapply every two hours if you're outdoors or exposed to the sun. The sleek compact design makes it convenient to carry in your purse, backpack, or car for touch-ups throughout the day.

Recommended Add-Ons for a Perfect Finish:

Toty Illumina Brush (affiliate link)

The compact comes with a sponge applicator, but I find that the sunscreen makeup applies heavier than I would like with the sponge. For a more natural finish, I highly recommend getting the optional Toty Illumina Brush!

  • Designed for precision application, angled for easy blending
  • Soft, dense bristles ensure a streak-free, airbrushed finish
  • Works perfectly with the Illumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ to create a flawless yet natural, skin-like texture

Toty Rosita Storage Pouch (affiliate link)

  • Chic, very lightweight, and functional for carrying your essentials
  • The perfect size for carrying the CC Compact and Illumina Brush for touch-ups on the go
  • Stylish storage in a light peach fabric with rose gold-tone metallic accents makes it a luxe addition to your beauty arsenal

Always Divina Set (affiliate link)

Get everything you need to stay sun protected on the go with the Toty Always Divina Set, which includes:

  • The Toty Ilumina CC Creamy Compact in your choice of 15 tone-adapting shades
  • The Toty Illumina Brush for a seamless, airbrushed application
  • The Toty Rosita Zippered Storage Pouch to keep everything organized and ready for touch-ups on the go

This set is perfect for anyone who wants all three products in one convenient bundle.

Toty Always Divina Set - Illumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ with brush and storage pouch
My Toty Always Divina Set with the sunscreen makeup compact, brush, and pouch

Toty Illumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ Refill (affiliate link)

Once you buy the compact, you never need to buy another. Just buy a refill when you are running low. The refillable compact also gives you the option of buying refills in two shades, one for the winter and a slightly darker or warmer shade for the summer.

Toty Illumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ with unopened refill
I love that the compact is refillable!

Final Verdict: Is It Worth It?

Absolutely! The Toty Ilumina CC Creamy Compact SPF 50+ is the ultimate hybrid of skincare, sun protection, and complexion perfection. If you want flawless, radiant skin with anti-aging benefits, this is one of the best sunscreen makeup compacts on the market.

In an independent 28-day consumer study of 87 women aged 18-65 (phototype I to VI):

  • 98% said they were satisfied with how long it lasted on their skin
  • 95% were satisfied with the product overall
  • 92% agreed that pores, imperfections, and dark spots were visibly diminished


  • Soft-focus, blurring effect for a youthful look
  • Long-lasting, lightweight coverage (98% of users agreed!)
  • High SPF 50+ protection with iron oxides for blue light defense
  • Water & sweat resistant (80 min)—great for all-day wear
  • Infused with antioxidants & skincare ingredients
  • Available in 15 adaptable shades for a natural, seamless match
  • Easy shade matching with the Toty Shade Finder tool
  • The Always Divina Set provides a complete, effortless beauty routine


  • Best applied with the Illumina Brush, which is sold separately unless purchased in the Always Divina Set.
  • Might need to try more than one shade to find your perfect match.
  • Natural Satin Finish may not appeal to women who prefer a glowy complexion product. For them, Toty Illumina Mineral Glow SPF 50+.

Who Should Try It?

  • Women over 40 looking for a hydrating, natural-finish foundation with SPF
  • Anyone with sensitive skin, rosacea, or mature skin concerns
  • Those who want a long-wearing, breathable formula with anti-aging benefits
  • For the best experience, grab the Always Divina Set to get everything you need for a flawless, protected complexion in one go!

    The Best, Most Attractive Sunscreen Makeup for Mature Skin by Margaret Schindel

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

A Review of Water Bottle Dog Toys


water bottle dog toys

Dogs Love That Crinkle Crinkle!

I was visiting my niece this past weekend. We were drinking coffee at the kitchen table and I noticed her yellow lab was out in the yard tossing and pouncing on some kind of toy. He was having big fun! This went on for quite a while, so I asked her what the dog was playing that was keeping him so entertained.

She went to the patio door and called the dog inside. The dog grabbed his toy and came trotting into the kitchen. The toy was some kind of fuzzy stuffed animal, but when he dropped it and started biting it and pawing it, it made a crinkling noise. It was not the kind of noise I had ever heard coming from a dog toy, so I was intrigued. The noise seemed to egg the dog on to play.

I asked her what toy it was. She laughed and said, it was a good thing she had another, as she could never get the one he had away from him, he played with it all the time. I laughed as she went to the cupboard and pulled out a cute, plush, pink pig. She handed it to me and I looked at it and then squeezed it. It made no crinkling noise. I looked up at her, puzzled.  No noise?  She picked up an empty water bottle and opened the Velcro at the end of the toy and slipped in the bottle. She handed me the toy and said "squeeze it."  When I did, it made the familiar crinkling noise!

The dog heard the noise and came running over and dancing around, wanting to play. She said that she had seen her friend's dog playing with one at the dog park and her dog fell in love with it, so she bought a couple off Amazon.  From the time it had arrived her dog had not stopped playing with it.

I was pretty impressed. I don’t have any dogs, but I have several friends and relatives that did. They are like my foster dogs, so I always get them gifts for holidays.  I knew their dogs would love these toys!

Paw Otter Toy

Zippy Paws Otter Toy

Of all the ones I saw on Amazon, I like this cute otter the most, so I ordered it for my girlfriend's dog.  I liked the fact that it did not have eyes or a nose that could be torn off and swallowed. I was surprised at the thickness of the material and the fact it had two layers to help protect the bottle.  I also noticed it had a different type of closure with a loop instead of Velcro.  It came with a regular sized water bottle with a reusable cap that squeaked!  When you change the bottle, you just take off the cap and replace it with the squeaker cap and slide it in.  Your dog is ready for a squeaking, crinkling good time!

While browsing these toys on Amazon I ran across another one that I absolutely loved!  A toy shaped like a wine bottle that says "Paws Off My Wine!"  I have a friend that loves wine and I know she will get a kick out of this dog toy for her Husky.  They also come in beer bottles.

dog toy

Prime Pets Wine Bottle Toy

I highly recommend these toys!  They encourage play not only between you and your pet, but also play by themselves, which helps them stay healthy and entertained.  They are also so many choices, you are sure to find something your family will love.....tacos, hippos, doughnuts, frogs, bones, the types of toys are almost endless!   Buy one for your pet, I am sure you or they will not be disappointed!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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