I was floored when I noticed that some of them were coming true. I continued on a bit more, and became flabbergasted. I really started watching what I was saying; so much so, that I became very quiet. I didn't want to let words slip out that were not affirmative of what I wanted and or liked.
But then I also began to miss having conversations. I didn't know how to be discerning of what I watched on TV or listened to as background noise, etc.
Having been raised as a Christian, I also began to wonder if this what was God wanted me to do. I wrote about that in another blog, and will share a link to that at the bottom of this post.
My main point of writing about using affirmations, is that I have found and also developed some tips and tricks that have helped me out in my continuing journey.
As much as possible, I try to notice more of what I do like.
As much as possible, I try to see the good. If that didn't seem to be working, I would leave a certain situation, and continue to work on me.
If it is a situation I want to stay in and make the best of, I have tried to state more of what it is I want, and only sticking to that. Sometimes I might rephrase something in a more positive way. I have found that to be helpful.
When it comes to reading, I take the time to transform the word I, used by others to refer to themselves, to they, he, she, etc. I have become more conscientious of when I use the word I, so I don't want to take on that word when I am reading in regards to someone else's I. So yes, I book has to really sound good for me to want to read it. Or, if the writer is coming from a place that I would like to be, then I can be okay with reading their I as also my I. Hope that makes sense.
When it comes to singing, I have found that singing words, has actually created more energy for those words as I sing them. So when my favorite tunes come on and I want to sing, I either replace the words with more positive words that I can align to, or just think my replacement words in my head, or just repeat a string of syllables to go along with the tune. Like lots of la la la, do rah do, etc.
Yes, these are all things that I have done to help me in my journey of using affirmations, without having to resort to a very quiet life. I don't like the idea of becoming a monk or be monk like. Did you notice what I just did, I used the word like with a derivative of not. I read about someone else doing that, to get out of the habit of using less positive descriptions.
I have also done quiet self talk. Early on in my affirmation journey, when I was out in a restaurant and the person across from me had said something I didn't like and I wanted things to go better, I cupped my hand up over my mouth and would quietly say the affirmation that I was trying to foster. I knew that what they were saying was triggering my old beliefs, so it was nothing I had to try and get them to change in that moment. This was my own personal way of working on me. I learned later that I could also say to myself, I dissolve this energy, and would mentally just think it to the area that I was feeling it in my body.
Another thing I have decided to do, is when I am with others who may not be talking very affirmatively, I have asked them, "What is it that you do want to happen?" Sometimes I have responded with what I may like to have happen, to give them an idea of what I mean. Sometimes, this has proven helpful.
I have found that I like various ways of doing affirmations. Sometimes I just like to chill and listen to them as background. Other times I follow along and repeat what I am listening to. If there is enough time, I repeat each one out loud and then again silently to myself.
I also like saying affirmations while doing physical activity. An example is saying that "I am strong," while exercising. I can find that quite invigorating. Physical activity can also be beneficial by itself.
You may not equate massage with affirmations, however our bodies can store energy of our beliefs. Massage from another or even one's self can help to release that stored energy through massage. It doesn't have to be a whole body massage, it can be as simple as massaging one's hands or feet. When I do that, sometimes I feel like I just need to take a deeper breath and let it go. I find it very helpful. Physical exercise can also loosen up stored energy.
Those are some of the things that I have done to improve my self well-being. I am glad that I pursued this journey of affirmations. I hope that you have found some help here, either with new tools that you may find helpful, and also that if you are going through anything similar, that you know you are with others who are on a path of transformation as well.
If you would like to read more about my transitioning went as far as me wondering what God wanted to me do, you can check that out here. It's my blog on Proverbs as Affirmations.
If you'd like some books that foster a more affirmative life, check these out. They are on Amazon.
Proverbs as Affirmations: An Affirmation Journal for Self Transformation This is especially good for those who want to experience the lessons in Proverbs said in a kind manner.
Positive Affirmation Coloring Book Coloring while focusing on an affirmation can be a relaxing and calm way to incorporate affirmations.
Proverbs as Affirmations Coloring Book: Words to Live By
May you have a great and blessed day.
Cheryl Paton