Friday, September 6, 2024

The Magic of Lemon Drops (2024) - Hallmark Movie Review

The Magic of Lemon Drops
I'm not particularly fond of hard candy, but lemon is my favorite flavor, therefore The Magic of Lemon Drops was a must-see for me as soon as it was available to watch.

This is a cute movie about seeing what life would be like if the main character had made different decisions along the way.  That has been a popular movie and book theme for decades.  Each movie has a different "avenue" used to show alternate lives, but eating a magic lemon drop is pretty unique.

Since lemon meringue pies are one of my favorite desserts, showing them in the previews was another draw to this movie for me.  I would not have thought to decorate a lemon meringue pie, but Lolly and her mother decorate their lemon meringue pies with lemon drops.  The lemon drops look rather pretty nestled in the meringue topping.    

After seeing "The Magic of Lemon Drops", I doubt I will ever see another lemon drop without thinking of this movie.    

The Magic of Lemon Drops Synopsis

Lolly is rather frustrated by her humdrum life.  She had hoped for so much more, including owning her own restaurant where she could set the menu.  Instead, she works for her father in their family diner, which is the same thing she has always done.

She would have liked to have gotten married to her high school sweetheart, but she broke up with him when he chose to go to Duke University and she didn't want him to go.  That is one of her main regrets that seem to haunt her life.

Lolly is reminded of all of the things she wanted to do in her life when she and her sister come across her old scrapbook in their attic.  When her Aunt Gert offers her a way to see what her life could have been, it is an offer she cannot refuse.

Would her own restaurant have been the great success she had envisioned?

What would life have been like if her mom had not died?

And, what if she had married Rory?


I'm not going to tell you Lolly's final choice.  You will need to watch The Magic of Lemon Drops to find out. 

Currently, The Magic of Lemon Drops is only available on the Hallmark Channel or on a streaming service that offers the Hallmark Channel movies (I watched it on Frndly TV, but is is also available on Peacock). 

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

The Magic of Lemon Drops - Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Alternative Toys for Cats Review

For many of us cat lovers, we strive to please our fur babies. Many times we buy the next toy at the pet store hoping this will be the one to strike their fancy. Today, I will share some of the lesser known toys for cats that you won't find at the pet store.

First up is hair bands. I purchased a package of thick ones, made for pony tails. I wanted thicker ones, figuring that they would hold up longer and probably go farther than the thinner ones. I shot the thick hair band across the floor, and it caught Tori's attention. She was after it in no time.

cat pounce

Tori is most intrigued with the hair band when I shoot it but has also been observed playing swat and bat it around, and carry it, without my input. That's a winner for me. The ones that I bought are around 5/8 of an inch wide, and are rated as no damage as far as hair goes. You can check out the options for these types of hair bands on Amazon.

While I was checking out things that might intrigue my cat, I considered other alternative options that fly. Hince, the paper airplane.

The first one I made was from a post it note. Post it note airplanes do not travel far at all, but they do kind of float down. Tori was somewhat intrigued, and also showed interest in it even when I didn't make it fly. But not as much interest as she showed in the hair band. I give the Post it note airplane a medium thumbs up.

Then I tried making an airplane from a larger sheet of paper, without any takiness on the edge of it. It too, didn't go that far. Then I added a flip up on the long folded edge. I also did this modification to the Post it note airplane; they both went further! Yay! Tori's interest however was short lived, even with the longer distance. She did though prefer to bat the smaller airplane around in some of her passings though. So if you make paper airplanes for your cat(s), I recommend the smaller size.

If you need a refresher course on how to fold a paper airplane, here is one of the options.

If your cat or cats like the proverbial cardboard box, then a box train can be a fun alternative for your cat(s). Some pet owners have made a train with multiple boxes attached; some held together better than others. It can also be a fun alternative for a single cat. This video shows how the cord can be more entertaining than riding in the box. However, it is still a fun adventure. It is one I'm definitely considering once I get a good box size that is in decent shape.

For my last alternative cat toy option today, I present the idea of Dominos. From what I've seen, the Dominos cat adventure appears to be more of a spectator sport. Unless the cats already know how to press buttons, in a way that the Dominos builder has made in an intriguing way for the cat to nudge a Domino, it is pretty much just the cats being aware of all the Dominos falling in various formations. If you have lots of time on your hands and want to entertain your fur babies in this way, I would pass on this. But there are many people who love building Dominos in this way.

In this video, however, is a fun toy meant for children, where a cat was most intrigued in trying to retrieve a ball that was ready to go down a spinning hole. I would say, forget the Dominio buildng, and play with the spinning ball toy. Here you go:

The marble run toy looks similar to this one. I chose the one with the Lego base, as I figure it would be less likely to get knocked over, and would make for a longer, and therefore more playing time with your cat(s).

Marble Run Toy on Amazon

What are your opinions? Do you have a favorite alternative you would like to try with your cat(s)? Do you have a different cat toy alternative that you would like to share?

Thank you in advance for your comment.

Check out other favorite cat toys for cats on my blog: Fun Cat Toys to Play with Cats.

Cheryl Paton

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

An Aging Dilemma ~ Walking Carefully and Safely~ A Product Review

For years we have been told by doctors and other professionals that exercise is important and becomes more important as we age.

There are many ways to keep ourselves healthy and one of the most important after eating well and drinking lots of water, is to walk! There should not be a day that goes by where you don't walk for at least 10 minutes.  This exercise is completely available to everyone!  

But as we age, even taking a walk can be a source of anxiety.  All you need to do is fall once and the fear is entrenched.

So let's do the walking safely, so that a fall is not what happens ever.

When we are younger, our bodies react better to outside stimulus.  Looking up at birds, trees, planes and things around us is not a problem.  But once you are over 65, our bodies don't react the same way.
We can and should focus on our steps.  Putting one foot in front of the other and having a good pair of shoes on will make walking so much safer for older individuals.  Our eyes and bodies need to be focused on the job at hand.  

Walking should be the ultimate easy way to stay fit, so could I suggest that after making the choice to walk for fitness, you then make sure you have a good pair of walking shoes.  

I like athletic type shoes for my walking as the soles are well padded and the treads on the bottom are deep, giving me great traction in all kinds of weather. Puddles should not stop us from getting those walking minutes in.  If the weather is inclement then let's take our walking inside at a shopping mall. Many malls now have walking clubs that are available to anyone, or you can just go there and do your walk on your own.

If you need a little extra help, Nordic Walking Poles are a great addition and add a little extra stability and balance.  My other half and I have these Fit Life Walking Poles and we use them often.  They are light weight and yet sturdy.  The difference it makes when walking is amazing.  I would never have thought that holding onto these poles would make such a difference in my gait and the ability to walk even further than I thought possible.  But they really do help a lot!

Now that summer is on it's way out, it's time to make a new fitness challenge ours.  Let's all start by taking a nice walk in the autumn air to enjoy the change in weather as well as the beautiful changes in nature.  

Make your walk a daily habit and I bet you will be pleased with the results in both your physical health as well as your mental health.  

 Skechers Sport womens D'LITES FRESH START Memory Foam Lace-up Sneaker,White Silver,8.5 M USCheck Price TheFitLife Nordic Walking Trekking Poles - 2 Packs with Antishock and Quick Lock System, Telescopic, Collapsible, Ultralight for Hiking, Camping, Mountaining, Backpacking, Walking, Trekking (Blue)Check Price

In closing I just want to say that I am not a doctor, and the health benefits of walking are something that I have personally felt after committing to walking daily.  Check with your own physician to make sure that this is a good fit for you!


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Reviewing Sensory Garden For A Person With Sight Loss Part Two


A drift of Blue and yellow flowers in a garden

This is part two reviewing making a sensory garden for a person with sight loss. As I explained in Reviewing Sensory Garden For A Person With Sight Loss Part One  my husband is having to adjust to losing his sight and we are both learning how to handle this development. 

So I have been looking into how to have a garden that will be beautiful, fun and interesting and safe as his sight declines and how I need to change my gardening style. 

There are always five elements when making a garden and these revolve around the five senses.

We covered Smell, Hearing and Touch in part one. 

In part Two we concentrate on Sight, Taste and Safety.

We are very much working together on this project and we aim to retain as much of my husbands independence and gardening skills as possible too.  

In this article we will be using the terms sight impaired, blind, low vision, partially sighted and sight loss as these are the current acceptable terms in my country for people with sight loss. This may change over time and be different in different countries. No offence is intended by any of these terms.

Day Lily Flower with three yellow petals

Sense Of Sight -Colour and Light

Now it might seem odd to include sight in a garden for people with sight loss. However my husband and many other people with sight loss, severe sight impaired and partially sighted will have some useful sight. 

It will be a case of finding out what sort of useful vision they have, what if any colour they can see easily and what if any leaf shapes they can visualise. The best way to do this is to work with them, visit other gardens, check what they can see in terms of plants and shrubs.

So with my husband we started by checking which colours he likes and can see easily. This may be different for other people. 

These for him are red, yellow, purple and white so we will concentrate on these colours especially for check points around the garden. For example yellow daffodils, red geum, white snowdrops, red bottlebrush, purple clematis. We may include other colours, but these will be secondary to him. 

For my husband colour contrast is important so we need to work that in for example a red poppy against a white wall is more easily visible. 

Red Poppy Flower against white brick wall

In terms of how the plants look we discussed having at least some plants with large leaf forms or bold shapes so that he can use these as anchor plants whether they are in flower or not. 

For example:-

 Tree Peony 


Small round shaped  conifers. 

Tall columular conifers

Elephant ears

Tree Peony with huge leaves

We also discussed light in the garden. We have security lights but also would like softer mood lighting for dusk. 

While we would love real candles, they are not perhaps the safest choice for a person with limited sight.

So we agreed on safe flameless outdoor candles and string lights to use when we are out there at dusk. We will turn these off when we go in so as not to confuse wildlife. 

 Homemory 6”x3” Outdoor Waterproof Flameless CandlesCheck Price

Sense Of Taste

We did not think there would be food to taste all year round, yet it will still be an important element. Many of these plants also have scent.

It is crucial that I do not include anything poisonous, an irritant or just ill tasting. Accidents can happen when you touch poisonous plants and we cannot risk this. 

Sage leaves

So in terms of positive tastes we intend growing a lot of herbs and salad crops. As we hope to have an allotment we wont be growing lots of veg or fruit in the garden but smaller edible plants are welcome. 

We have grown vegetables in outdoor containers before and will continue to do this. 

So we will grow:-

Different mint varieties such as chocolate mint and peppermint. These will be in separate pots as they can be invasive and take over a whole bed. 



 curry plant

distinctive salad leaf crops such as rocket. 

baby carrots in tall pots




Curry Plant with Narrow Silver leaves

Safety In The Garden

Gardens needs to be safe for every person and there are some specific considerations when you are design for a sight impaired or severe sight impaired person.

We mentioned previously to avoid any plants that can be poisonous just in case they are touched. Also to avoid any that can be irritants such as euphorbia plants 

To avoid very prickly plants such as prickly Holly , pyracantha unless they can be positioned at the back of a border where it is difficult to touch them.

Flat ground is easier for my husband now. As he is new to sight loss he still finds steps a bit of a barrier I need to help him with so we will be aiming for a flat garden if possible. If we do have steps then I think we will need a handrail. Also the steps need to be highlighted in some way with a different colour or texture.

Any ponds should be highlighted in some way depending on the level of sight. So for some a border of a different material around the pond will be enough to know to avoid it, others may feel happier with a grid over the water so falling in is not an option.

For other people a pond in the ground is not desirable but perhaps a raised pond in an old barrel made waterproof would be a good option.

Trip hazards are something we need to avoid as my husband has already had a couple of falls over things he did not see. So the aim is to have raised beds but a little higher than normal so that he can feel them with his hands. A low below the knee height is no good as they will just be another trip hazard, they need to be higher. 

This also achieves that scented plants will be at a better level rather than having to bend down all the time.  If necessary we can also paint them different colours or at least the top section a distinctive colour so that he can see more easily. 

For him the ground needs to be flat as possible. A lawn is fine and we would still like some lawn, but we will probably go for more paved areas in large slabs that have some grip and do not get slippery in wet weather.  

White roses with dark green leaves

So with a little planning and discussing the needs of the person I do believe it is perfectly possible to make and maintain a beautiful garden. 

When we take into account smell, hearing, touch, taste and safety, which should be cornerstones of making any garden we can make a lovely garden suitable for someone with sight loss and beautiful in every respect. 

 Wrought Iron Handrail, Step Handrails for Outdoor Steps Fit 3 to 4 StepsCheck Price Keter Urban Bloomer 12.7 Gallon Raised Garden Bed with Self Watering Planter Box and Drainage Plug, Dark GreyCheck Price

Reviewing Sensory Garden For A Person With Sight Loss Part One 

Read More Gardening Articles

Essential Wildlife Gardening Gifts

Diary Of A Wild Country Garden

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, September 2, 2024

Reviewing Wool Ease Fair Isle Yarn by Lion Brand

I have crocheted for many decades but only recently have begun purchasing natural fiber yarns (wool and alpaca) for my projects. I was very excited to find the Fair Isle colorway by Lion Brand and have crocheted a hat that I'm very pleased with. My project ideas for this specific yarn is already a long list. 

Photo of the Pink Mushroom Wool Ease yarn

Isn't Fair Isle Just the Name of a Colorway?

Yes and no. It is the name of this Lion Brand skein because it is a self-striping or self-pooling skein of yarn intended to create patterns that appear similar to the original style of Fair Isle - but without using two strands of yarn at a time while knitting. I chose the Fair Isle (self-striping) skein in the colorway Pink Mushroom. There are other color choices in the Fair Isle style of yarn.

Historically, Fair Isle is a knitting technique that is worked holding two strands of yarn, separately, at a time. The technique results in colors that create repeated shapes across the work. These shapes often are "OXO" shapes or simple geometric shapes. It was named Fair Isle after one of the Shetland Islands and reportedly became more popular after the Prince of Wales wore a Fair Isle sweater. I have always admired these designs but hadn't known previously that it was a specific knitting technique.

Wool Ease Fair Isle Yarn by Lion Brand

The Wool Ease Fair Isle yarn is meant to pool into patterns. This happens much more easily when knitting since the shapes are better formed in the "v" stitches that occur in knitting. Unfortunately, I have not yet learned how to knit.  But I still loved the colors offered in these skeins. And I'm looking to make more projects with natural fibers and that have the thicker, "wool" appearance. I bought one skein, worked up a hat, and immediately ordered more skeins.


  • 80% Acrylic, 20% wool blend
  • weight size 4 (worsted)
  • 5.3 oz/348 yd
  • machine wash gentle, tumble dry low
  • Size 8 knitting needles/size J crochet hook

This Wool Ease yarn is a great way to start using a natural fiber blend, but isn't as expensive as a full natural fiber skein. And because it is a blend, it does not have to be handwashed.

I was attracted to the colorways. Many variegated yarns are extremely bold and bright colors.  I know that bright colors are the preferred choice of many people. But I prefer subdued colors. The Wool Ease Fair Isle offers the gentle colors that I like. 

I crocheted a hat, knowing that I would not get the exact patterns that someone knitting would achieve. But I was focused on the gentle colors. I was very pleasantly surprised when my hat turned out with pleasing stripes and flecks. And bonus, I have enough yarn in this skein to make another 1 - 2 hats!

As I was creating my hat, I was excitedly listing all of the projects that would be beautiful in this yarn; mittens, fingerless gloves, scarves, stuffed animals (wouldn't bunnies and elephants be beautiful in this color?!). This yarn is not as soft as the Eddie Bauer Wool-Paca yarn I recently purchased. But that's okay. While the Wool Ease Fair Isle is not as soft, it is not itchy due to amount of acrylic yarn in the blend. It is very thick and "cushiony".

Photo of a my crocheted hat

The skein labels picture a finished project with repeating shapes. It states, "to create projects pictured here, visit  With an internet search, you can also find reviews of this yarn, some projects, and examples of Fair Isle projects using 2 strands of yarn instead of the ease of using this one strand of Wool Ease. 

Related Links:

Be sure to visit the Lion Brand official site for more information and patterns. 

I often buy my yarn online at Joann Fabric and Crafts now that I don't live near any good yarn stores. I take advantage of their really good sales.

 If you prefer Amazon Prime due to saving the shipping costs, just do a search for "Yarn" and many options pop up; including Lion Brand yarn.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 1, 2024

How One Stray Dog Changed Lives Forever - 5 Star Movie Review

How One Stray Dog Changed Lives Forever - 5 Star Movie Review

The Storyline of Arthur The King

"Arthur The King," released in 2023, is a heartwarming movie based on a true story that will appeal to anyone who believes in the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. 

The plot centers around a Swedish adventure racer, Mikael Lindnord, who encounters a stray dog while competing in Ecuador's grueling 400-mile Adventure Racing World Championship. 

This isn't just any stray; this dog, later named Arthur, attaches himself to Mikael and his team, following them through harsh jungles, treacherous terrain, and even a perilous river.

The story is not just about an adventure race; it's a tale of unexpected companionship, resilience, and the power of kindness. As Arthur overcomes seemingly insurmountable odds alongside the team, the film takes us on a journey of hope, perseverance, and the transformative effect of compassion. 

It's a challenging and inspirational story that reminds us of the strength in our bonds, not just with each other but with every living creature.

The Talented Cast - Starring Mark Wahlberg

"Arthur The King" boasts an exceptional cast that brings this remarkable story to life. Mark Wahlberg stars as Mikael Lindnord, delivering a heartfelt performance that captures the spirit of a man unexpectedly finding a friend in the most unlikely of circumstances. 

Simu Liu plays a pivotal role as a teammate who initially questions the practicality of bringing a stray dog along but eventually becomes one of Arthur's biggest supporters.

Nathalie Emmanuel shines as the team medic whose gentle care for Arthur reflects the film's themes of empathy and kindness. 

The chemistry among the cast members is palpable, making their journey feel authentic and engaging. Each actor brings depth and warmth to their roles, ensuring that the audience is not just watching an adventure unfold but experiencing it alongside them. 

Their performances collectively contribute to the film's powerful message of friendship, determination, and joy from unexpected connections.

Why I Loved This Movie

I absolutely loved "Arthur the King" because it depicts a story almost too incredible to be true. 

This movie's portrayal of something so challenging and seemingly impossible truly resonates. Watching Arthur's unwavering determination to stay with his newfound friends through every obstacle is heartwarming and awe-inspiring. 

This movie leaves you with a deep sense of hope and a renewed belief in humanity's goodness. It's so moving that it compelled me to Google the real Arthur to learn more about this extraordinary dog and his incredible journey with Mikael and his team. 

The film's ability to evoke such emotions and curiosity is a testament to its powerful storytelling and the genuine nature of its characters. It's not just a movie; it's a reminder of the unyielding spirit that can be found in all of us and the animals we share our lives with.

About The Real Arthur

The Arthur Foundation

The real Arthur became much more than just a dog who followed a team in an adventure race; he became a symbol of hope and resilience. 

After being adopted by Mikael Lindnord, Arthur was involved in numerous charitable endeavors, helping to raise awareness and funds for animal welfare organizations worldwide. 

Arthur's story inspired countless people, leading to the establishment of the Arthur Foundation, which supports stray dogs and other animal-related causes. 

Sadly, Arthur passed away in 2020 due to complications from surgery. His death was a significant loss for all who followed his incredible story, but his legacy lives on. 

Arthur's journey from a stray dog in Ecuador to a global ambassador for animal welfare is a testament to what kindness and love can achieve. Even after his passing, his impact continues to inspire positive change. 

Visit Arthur's website for more information about him and his ongoing impact. Arthur's accomplishments and the positive change he championed make Arthur the King a movie worth watching and a story worth remembering and celebrating.

Here's a Preview of the Movie:


Watch Arthur The King on Prime, Where Available

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Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Truth About the Devlins - Book Review


A new novel by best-selling author Lisa Scottoline

Image of an earthquake crack in the concrete

Meet the Devlins. A wealthy and successful family of lawyers with a wayward son. Then a possible murder occurs (or does it?), and John, the good son, may be involved. Is the family hiding secrets, even from themselves?

Synopsis of The Truth About the Devlins

The story mainly revolves around TJ Devlin, the son who is the charming disappointment in the prominent Devlin family of lawyers who work together in a highly successful firm.  TJ never finished college, much less became a lawyer. Instead, alcoholism caused his downfall and even a stint in prison. Now he’s out on parole and in rehab for alcoholism. Since TJ can’t get hired anywhere except at the firm, the family has him doing a make-work job with the title of investigator.

But then one night, the firstborn and most successful son, John, confesses to TJ that he thinks he just murdered one of the firm’s clients, an accountant he had confronted with proof of embezzlement. 

TJ immediately begins an investigation, seizing the chance to prove his worth and save his brother. But in no time, TJ and John find themselves entangled in a lethal web of deception and murder. TJ will fight to save his family, but what he learns might break them first.


I have long been a fan of author Lisa Scottoline and over the years have followed her successful series of legal thrillers/suspenseful women sleuth mysteries about a group of women who are partners in a law firm in Philadelphia. Scottoline’s series of Rosato & Associates is a favorite of mine.

In recent years, Scottoline has begun writing stand alone domestic and psychological thrillers. As the #1 bestselling author of What Happened to the Bennetts, she presents another pulse-pounding domestic thriller with The Truth About the Devlins, about family, justice, and the lies that tear us apart.

*Book Review of The Truth About the Devlins written by Wednesday Elf

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Friday, August 30, 2024

Roux The Day - Episode 5 of Gourmet Detective Series Review

roux the day
I must say, I love the play on words for this title, Roux The Day.  Very clever title for "The Gourmet Detective" series and another murder mystery to solve.  I immediately thought of Louisiana and the popular base for Cajun and creole dishes.  Of course, roux is not exclusive to Louisiana, nor is French cuisine, but don't tell a Louisianian that or you might just find yourself in the midst of your own murder mystery.

In previous episodes of The Gourmet Detective, we have watched the relationship develop between Maggie and Henry, from their first meeting to their exclusive dating relationship.  We have enjoyed their bantering while solving crime related to murders committed in the culinary world.  We have been introduced to some very interesting recipes for death, as well as some unique uses of cookware.

In this episode, Detective Maggie Price and Henry Ross, the Gourmet Detective, are pulled into another murder case when they discover a body in an antique shop they are visiting. 

Yet again, another one of my own favorite pastimes, visiting antiques stores, is pulled into another fun mystery.  It might make me think twice about seeking out help if the store appears to be unattended.  

Do you know the difference in a cookbook and a Chef's book?  I didn't until I watched this movie.


Roux The Day Synopsis

 Roux the Day: A Gourmet Detective MysteryCheck Price Henry Ross has been commissioned to examine a recently discovered Chef's book from an extremely popular restaurant of bygone days.  The Chef's book disappeared along with the fabulous meals when the restaurant closed down.  Henry is to bid on the book at auction if he determines it to be authentic.  The value of the book may well exceed $20,000 and he is authorized to spend whatever is necessary to ensure it's purchase for his anonymous buyer.

He invites his girlfriend, Detective Maggie Price, to attend the charity auction with him.  Unfortunately, they are told that the Chef's book was sold earlier that day.  According to the auction organizer, she did not want to risk the handsome sum she was offered by allowing the Chef's book to be auctioned.  A most unusual decision since it had already been announced that the book would be up for auction.  Several interested individual's were in attendance and quite upset by the pre-sale of the book.

With a bit of sneaky detective work, Maggie discovers who purchased the book.  She and Henry immediately head over to the new owners antique store in hopes of acquiring the book.  Unfortunately, all they acquired was a new murder case when they discovered a body instead of a Chef's book.



Roux The Day is the final episode of "The Gourmet Detective".  Hallmark has canceled the series.

"The Gourmet Detective" has truly been a delightfully fun Hallmark Mystery series to watch. I was quite sad to see that the series has been cancelled. What a shame that we never even made it to a wedding day, plus we have missed out on more "delectable" murder mysteries. I do hate it when Hallmark, or any production company, ends a series and just leaves fans hanging to create their own mental ending.   

Let's hope Hallmark doesn't rue the day they disappointed fans, once again, by cancelling a series we were not ready to see end!

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Roux The Day - Episode 5 of Gourmet Detective Series Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Play-Doh's Jake and the Never Land Pirates Playset Reviewed

Discover Play-Doh's Jake and the Never Land Pirates themed play sets!
Jake and the Never Land Pirates is an animated preschool child’s television series that was produced by Disney Junior and aired between the years of 2011 and 2016. The storyline took inspiration from Walt Disney and J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan story. It tells tales of the three main pirate characters - Jake, Izzy, Cubby - and of a parrot named Skully who together search for treasure and find themselves competing with Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, Sharky and Bones.


Here’s a peek at the show:


The show was successful with the little boy audience it was aimed at and Common Sense Media says, “The program is full of good social messages about solving problems, being a good friend and appreciating individuality. It also includes basic academic skills like counting and sorting and involves kids with music and humor.


There was a high demand for toys for the series and in 2013, Play-Doh issued the play set shown here for fans of the show aged 3 and up. It is perfect for pirate-themed creative play whether it is inspired from the program Jake and the Never Land Pirates or from your child’s imagination.


The set comes complete with two stamps, a press in the form of a canon, a treasure chest shaper, a crocodile cutter and three containers of Play-Doh. Please be aware that retired sets have old Play-Doh in them and you may have to replace the modelling compound, which is easily and affordably done at your local toy store.


There was also another set for this series, a Toys R Us exclusive, called Pirate Ship. However, both of these sets have long been discontinued, which makes them somewhat hard to find. I recommend searching for Play-Doh's Jake and the Never Land sets here on eBay.

See you at the toy store!

Treasures By Brenda


Retired, new, used and vintage Play-Doh sets in my eBay store.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

DRMTLY TINGL Exfoliating Pads — The Best Affordable AHA/BHA Peel Pads

Our skin is the body's largest organ and the one most exposed to environmental stressors. It's no wonder it's one of the first places to show the signs of aging as we get older. Fortunately, no matter your age, good skincare can make an enormous difference in the appearance and health of your skin.

Facial exfoliation can help us achieve smoother, clearer, brighter, more youthful complexion. Physical exfoliation methods use either tools (such as a washcloth or exfoliating sponge) or facial cleansers or masks containing very small granules or spheres (such as sugar crystals, microbeads, or ground seeds) to physically slough off dead skin cells from the topmost layer of the epidermis. Chemical exfoliation uses one or more topical acids — alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and/or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) to weaken the bonds that hold the dead skin cells on the surface and allow them to slough away easily during cleansing.

I have used both physical and chemical facial exfoliation products at a wide range of prices. Today, I'm sharing my favorite affordable, high-quality chemical exfoliating product, the TINGL exfoliating peed pads from DRMTLGY, one of my favorite reasonably priced skincare brands. In future reviews, I will also share my favorite affordable physical exfoliation skincare products.

DRMTLY TINGL Exfoliating Pads for smooth, clear skin

DRMTLGY TINGL Exfoliating Pads are provide a convenient and effective solution for at-home facial exfoliation. These pads smooth and brighten the skin, minimize pores, and improve overall skin texture, helping to revitalize the complexion.

What Types of Skin Concerns Do These Exfoliating Peel Pads Target?

DRMTLGY TINGL Exfoliating Pads are suitable for all skin types.

They help reduce the appearance of pore size and create a smoother looking skin texture by unclogging pores 

Key Ingredients

A combination of glycolic, lactic, and salicylic acids, botanical and fruit extracts, and humectants make these AHA/BHA exfoliating peel pads extremely effective but also gentle on the skin.

Glycolic acid is a powerful alpha-hydroxy acid that helps exfoliate the skin by breaking down the bonds between dead skin cells, allowing them to be sloughed away. This ingredient is known for its ability to brighten the skin, improve texture, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Lactic acid is another AHA that gently exfoliates the skin while providing hydration. It helps improve skin texture and tone without being too harsh, making it suitable for sensitive skin types.

Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that penetrates deep into the pores to remove excess oil and debris, making it especially beneficial for those with oily or acne-prone skin. It helps reduce the appearance of pores and prevents future breakouts.

Other notable ingredients include grapefruit peel extract and cucumber fruit extract (antioxidants), chamomile flower extract (anti-inflammatory), aloe extract (soothing, humectant, and antioxidant), and glycerin and beta glucan, humectants that add moisture to the skin, ensuring that the exfoliation process does not leave the skin feeling dry or tight. These humectants can also improve the skin texture, strengthen the barrier function and enhance the penetration of other ingredients.

Textured Surface

These DRMTLGY TINGL exfoliating pads also have a waffle-patterned, textured surface that helps provide a light, gentle physical exfoliation as well as a chemical one, helping to lift off the loosened, dead skin cells on the outermost layer of the epidermis.

AHA/BHA Textured Peel Pads

How Well Do They Work?

As you might expect from the name, DRMTLGY TINGL Exfoliating Pads create a tingling sensation that indicates that the alpha-hydroxy and beta-hydroxy acids are working to exfoliate the skin. Since I started using them consistently report that with consistent use, their skin feels smoother, looks brighter, and has a more refined texture. The combination of AHAs and BHAs helps target multiple skin concerns, such as dullness, uneven texture, and enlarged pores. Also, even though I am not generally acne-prone, I find that blemishes are rare since I started exfoliating regularly with these peel pads.

While I can attribute some of my youthful appearance to good genes, my 70-year-old skin looks much better and more youthful today than it did five years ago, when I started getting serious about following a good skincare routine.

Photo of the author at age 70
Me one month after my 70th birthday

Gentle, Yet Effective

For women and men with mature skin, these pads offer a great way to incorporate both chemical exfoliation and very light physical exfoliation into a skincare routine in one simple, quick and easy step. The presence of beta glucan helps counteract any potential dryness from the acids, making the pads gentle enough for daily use.

Key Benefits

Effective Exfoliation: The combination of glycolic, lactic, and salicylic acids and the textured pads provide gentle yet thorough exfoliation, removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover for clearer, smoother skin and a brighter, more even skin tone.

Multi-Benefit Formula: In addition to exfoliating, the pads also hydrate and brighten the skin, offering a comprehensive skincare treatment.

Improves Skin Texture: Regular use can lead to noticeably smoother, softer, younger-looking skin, with reduced pore size and less noticeable fine lines.

Quick and Simple to Use: The pre-soaked pads are a quick and easy addition that can enhance your existing skincare routine.

Made in the USA With High Quality Ingredients: These dermatologist-recommended facial peel pads are paraben-free, sulfate-free, cruelty-free, gluten-free, and fragrance-free.

Usage Tips

If your skin barrier is healthy and your skin tolerates AHAs and BHAs well, you can use these as often as twice daily, depending on your skin type and needs.

However, if your skin is extremely sensitive or you have rosacea, these peel pads may be a bit too intense for you. I recommend trying one package and starting slowly, maybe once a week, to see how your skin tolerates it. If that works for you, you can slowly increase the frequency, as tolerated.

After cleansing your face and patting it dry, remove one DRMTLY TINGL exfoliating pad from the jar and immediately close the jar tightly to prevent the remaining pads from drying out.

Wipe the peel pad over your face in circular motions. Avoiding contact with the eye area and the lips. 

Do not scrub! Scrubbing can damage your skin barrier and irritate your skin. If used properly, the pads will provide a gradual, safe exfoliation with consistent, regular use. 

IMPORTANT: When using these pads in the morning, after exfoliating your skin and applying the rest of your skincare, ALWAYS USE A BROAD-SPECTRUM SUNSCREEN with an SPF of 30 or higher, regardless of the weather! Exfoliating acids increase sensitivity to the sun's rays.

A Great Addition to Any Skincare Routine

The DRMTLGY TINGL Exfoliating Pads are a solid choice for anyone looking to enhance their skincare routine with a chemical exfoliation product that is both gentle and effective. With consistent use, these pads can help reveal a more youthful, radiant complexion, making them a valuable addition to any skincare regimen, particularly for those looking to address signs of aging.

 DRMTLGY TINGL Face and Body Exfoliator Pads - Anti Aging Acne Treatment with Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, and Salicylic Acid - Pore Minimizer, Oil Cleanser, Blackhead Remover and Skin ExfoliatorCheck Price

DRMTLY TINGL Exfoliating Pads — The Best Affordable AHA/BHA Peel Pads by Margaret Schindel

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